Tuesday 28 January 2014

Thai and Chinese celebration shops

A place to visit in Phuket is Phuket Old Town - there is so much to see and so much to investigate.

I was lucky to meet the manager of this shop on Talang Road to take some photographs and there was so much today - but there was always something to look twice at.

There is always the Maneki-neko to be found in every place and it was not until I looked at the site previously that I found that there were so many different types.

Then there is the fireworks that are there and when it is the Phuket Vegetarian Festival then there are even more! Do you think that there is a degree of Health and Safety here - I have heard nothing regarding problems... yet....

I have no idea what this bed is for but it could be for part of a Wedding Celebration?

Then there are the wooden necklaces that are popular during the Phuket Vegetarian Festival as well.

Then there is the piles of yellow monogrammed sheets - I see them burnt at the Chinese Shrines in Phuket and I also see them placed under the chairs which the possessed sit during the Phuket Vegetarian Festival or burnt at a funeral or at a Por Tor Ceremony.

Then there are the Buddhist figures - wonderful - I do have to add though that I did like the Buddha figures below at Radsada Handmade though.

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